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How to Keep Monkeys ...
Recently I saw a banner while running on my usual exercise route along the Ulu Pandan Park Connector (PCN). From a distance, I could see...

Remembering Sung Kah Kay
The next time you use your digital camera, please remember my friend, Dr. Sung Kah Kay. Dr. Sung, Singaporean son, was the first person...

God: a Computer Game Analogy
by Terence Sim [Play online here: ] [Disclaimer: As usual, the views here are mine alone, expressed in my...

TraceTogether Data isn't for Criminal Investigation
Below is the original version of my letter, which was published in the Straits Times Forum on Jan 6, 2021, with edits that reduced my...

Information for Prospective Students
If you are interested in my research and would like to join my group as a Ph.D. student, this page is for you. First, please read the...

Asking for a Recommendation Letter
Many students ask me to write them a recommendation letter, whether for a job or internship application, or for graduate studies. I...

Facial Recognition for MRT rides a bad idea
On 21 Oct. 2016, The Straits Times reported that facial recognition may used instead of fare cards for MRT rides, if the Advanced Fare...

Why I'm Voting for Good Opposition MPs Now
Photo credit: Tim Donnelly, TL;DR version: So as to achieve happiness, prosperity, and progress in the year...

Privacy vs Security
This blog explains the difference between Privacy and Security.
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